Tuesday 11 October 2011


eminem in concert
Eminem in Concert

Showbiz | Eminem | Eminem was born as Marshall Bruce Mathers III on October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri. Eminem attended Lincoln High School in Warren, Michigan, where he failed the ninth grade three times and eventually dropped out at the age of 17. Despite being a poor student, Eminem always had a deep affinity for language, devouring comic books and even studying the dictionary. "I found that no matter how bad I was at school, like, and no matter how low my grades might have been at some times, I always was good at English ... I just felt like I wanna be able to have all of these words at my disposal, in my vocabulary at all times whenever I need to pull 'em out. You know, somewhere, they'll be stored, like, locked away." As a teenage dropout, Eminem found a way to express his passion for language, as well as to release his youthful anger, through the emerging musical genre of hip-hip. He identified with the nihilistic rage of late-1980s and early-1990s rap music, and he was especially taken with N.W.A., the popular and highly controversial gangster rap crew from Los Angeles.  In 1996 Eminem released his first independent rap album, Infinite. Although the album displayed flashes of his verbal prowess, biting wit and flair for storytelling, the low-budget record failed to turn a profit or attract more than local attention. 

eminem rapping
Eminem Rapping

eminem rapper
Eminem in Street

eminem wallpapers
Eminem in Car

eminem with his daughter
Eminem with his Daughter

eminem in glasses
Eminem in Glasses

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